Sunday, May 31, 2009

Went Fishing at Kuala tutong

Even though, i am having flu but not H1N1. I took kids out for introducing them to fishing. We spend about 45 minutes fishing, or rather me teaching fishing. We did not catch anything, though my kids claimed to catcha crab. They fished the carb out of their pothole ther were making in the sand. It was like fishing on dry land rather than water. This is foul play.

For me, it was a re-fersher. It has been a very long time, i took my fishing gear out and they are stil in prime condition. I have to re-learn about making the knots.

Looking at my fishing gear, they cost me more than $500.00. But, it is worthed. My kind of fishing is not dependent on the quantity of fish being caught (which is very few) but the quality time being spend.

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