Monday, March 30, 2009

My old try out with D100, D70 and 350D

I came acroos my old try out with dslr back in late 2004. I really wanted to get dslr back then but could not managed because the budget for dslr went to some other pressing needs. It took me till April 2007 to get dslr canon 40D, which was again not really my first choice. My first choice was Olympus E3. But my budget is only good for 40D.

These model were my choices last time: Nikon D100 (second hand), Nikon D70 and Canon 350D. The sample shot i took were as follows:

Shot from Nikon D100

Shot from Nikon D70
Shot from Canon 350D. Somehow the shot was not good.

Olympus was not in the list. If the circumtances had allowed last time, i will be getting Canon 350D. This decision was more due to budget constraint and possibility for vertical grip. But i liked the D70 but way out of my budget and no vertical grip was a turn off last time. Hence, i was considering D100, but was costing me alot as well and way out my budget.

But now, i do not really need the vertical grip for the grip or additional battery supply. Weight is now becoming a factor in my needs of dslr.
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