Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kids sport day

These were taken last weekend, saturday, during my kids sport day. I was using 70-200mm 2.8L IS lens and without flash. The activities were all indoor. I took more than 300 shots that morning. And yes, shooting sport is not as easy as it seem...

Among all of the shot, i only like a few. Some are spoiled as all of sudden something was obstructing my subject matter. Anyhow, my canon 40D, did not disappoint me.

There were others as well with good DSLR and lens. May be, we parents should have a photoshot feild trip.

Pom Pom dance

Closer shot of the pom pom.

I did enjoy my time and so did my kids. Albeit doing different activities....

Another food for thought:

He who praises everybody, praises nobody.
by Samuel Johnson
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