Thursday, April 16, 2009

Baby King Cobra

I took this picture last sunday morning. This "little" cobra about 1.2m lenght, i guess was crawling into muy lawn from my sister yard next door.

Here, we aare "allowed" to kill if it will do you harm, but i don't have the guts, eventhough i know it is a poisionous snake and will pose potential harm to my kids. At the end it slipped back to my siser lawn.. :-O ...oh...oh... I guessed the snake will probably crawled back to the bushes, and may be passing through somebody lawn... another...oh..oh...

This remind myself: In order to do something, you must have the guts to do it. However, doing nothing about something, you must also have the guts to face the consequences.... In other words... there is no in between....

This remind me of Hofstede cultural dimension... where one of the dimension is "uncertainity avoidance".
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