Saturday, April 25, 2009

Around my house

I was trying to shoot the monkeys that were around my place. But my kids, somehow shoo them away. These monkeys were up to something. I can't blame them, probably my place is used to be their home... These monkeys were "displaced' by human living space development.

My faithful palm tree. Still living with minimum care.

My kids bikes and some plants still in the pots awaiting to be replanted on the ground...Hmmm..some of them already waiting for donkey years and still waiting... On the bright side... these plant has a better chance of living than the replanted one. I had one which to start with had countless of leaves on it and after two (may be three) years the leaves are countless (there is none left on the branches and the tree is dying (i am being kind here --- but probably is dead already)

I spent the mid morning till mid afternoon last sunday, jet washing my drain which might have contributed to me having the mc (medical leave) on the following day monday.

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