Saturday, August 21, 2010

I spent about one hour taking photoshot at my mum farm this morning.

I was not that very creative.... could not managed to get a good photo.

I was standing underneath this tall coconut tree. Must be about 10 meter height.
And i was thinking, it was a very risky to be standing underneath. But yet, i get use to it.

Taking a closer look, there are lots of coconuts which are old and at any time will just fell down. The brown in colour coconuts are old one.
If the coconut hits my head spot on, it can cause fatality or atleast a very serious head injury.

In building construction site, this area is a 'hard hat must be worn at all time'.

There were alot of mosquitoes. In that one hour, i must have smack closer to one hundred of them. I am confident of the number....

I took a closer photo of one of the mosquito, which is enjoying sucking my 'sweet' blood.... and what i really need is a macro lens....

Earlier today, i was thinking of entering a photo competition, but when i got the form, it was a big turn off. One of the clause says... ''Any photo submitted, the photohrapher will give the organiser the copyright".

This is not a photo competition!!!... but a ripped-off of photographer copyright.

Imagine, if i want a photograph of something... and the easiest way to get this, is to run a competition like above. With a small prize to give away... i could be ending up with a lot of photographs to choose from. The prizes might cost me less than hiring a professional photographer.

This practice is just like the mosquitoes.... sucking other people bloods out....

Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times.
By:Niccolo Machiavell

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